At CCPC we are dedicated to fulfilling the great commission by planting churches, with the focus of reaching communities with the gospel and the teaching of the word of God verse by verse. We are part of the large Calvary Chapel family and serve many well-known churches in this beautiful movement.
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    Hugo and Brenda Limon
    Hugo Limón and his family


    They arrived at Calvary Rosarito in 2012, began to faithfully congregate and be discipled by Pastor Mike Vincent. In 2013 through a church planting conference, God called Hugo and family to return to Hugo's hometown of Culiacán, Sinaloa, Mexico, to plant a church.

    Pastor Mike invited Hugo to the church planting program which concluded in 2015. In this year Hugo and his family were sent by Pastor Mike and Calvary Rosarito to the city of Culiacán to plant a sending hub.

    Culiacán is a city of one million people known for drug trafficking, and at that time there was no Calvary church. God has been very good and led Hugo and family to plant Calvary Culiacán with the vision of training others to plant other churches with the desire to bring the word of God to the entire city.

    Through the Calvary Culiacán church planting school, in 8 years, 9 churches were planted and they continue with the same vision of planting other churches.

    In the year 2023 something unexpected happens for Hugo and his family, after having trained and established pastors in all the churches, God calls them to leave Culiacán and move to the city of Ensenada, Baja California with the plan of taking the direction of the Horizonte Ensenada church and promote it in the same direction of church planting.

    Pastor Juan Domingo, who planted this church 26 years ago, invited Hugo and family to take the leadership of this beautiful church.

    Sowing faith, growing in community

    By planting faith in people's hearts, we promote spiritual growth and strengthen community ties.

    Currently Pastor Hugo and Brenda

    They are in charge of ten church plants in Culiacán, and of the Horizonte Ensenada church, which in turn has planted 2 other churches, Horizonte Kiliwas and Horizonte Mexicali. Pastor Hugo and Brenda have 2 beautiful children, Joy, 12 years old, and Judá, 5.

    Hugo and Brenda Limon

    Where there is faith,
    there is a new church.

    We believe that faith has the power to transform lives and communities. Each new church we plant is a testimony to this belief, serving as a center of hope and spiritual renewal.

    In places where faith flourishes, we establish churches that become havens of love, support and growth. These churches not only offer a space for worship, but also for connection, learning, and community service. Through our work, we take the message of Christ to new horizons, sowing seeds of faith that bear fruit in the form of vibrant and engaged new congregations. Join us and be part of this mission of expansion and faith.

    Exchange rate for donations is in Mexican peso (MXN)

    If you need a tax receipt for your donation, please contact us so we can send it to you.

    For US donations:

    (1) Send a US check payable to
    “Church Planting
    Collective” to:
    591 Telegraph Canyon Road #408
    Chula Vista, CA 91910

    (2) Zelle funds to

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    Donation Total: $10,000.00